

I love RSS. It brings the content you want to your table, reduces the noise and mush, focuses you in on the content, and styles to your liking across all the sources so your receptors won't be bamboozled by all the different colours and themes of each website.

Feeds for this site

My current subscribed list

This is what fills my feed reader currently. Have a gander. There may be something there that resonates.

Do you have an RSS? Let me know so I can add you to my list.

How I read RSS

I use the FreshRSS feed reader which I access through my mobile and laptop web browsers. In light mode I use Ansum theme. In dark mode I use Nord theme. I don't always read the articles in the reader. Sometimes I'll click through to the author's web page to enjoy their personal styling.

I have around 160 authors in my list. I'll sometimes read an article from the top of the list (the most recent post to be published), otherwise I'll let the feed build up a while and then read blog by blog, or author by author, from oldest to newest. I find this way I feel more connected with the writer, understand their journey, thought patterns and style of writing. It also helps me get decide if I am still connecting with them as my interests evolve over time, and adjust my subscriptions accordingly.

I bookmark ⭐ posts (in FreshRSS) when I want to take an action on it - follow up with author, explore the content further, or create a new task/project as it sparks an idea. Once I've actioned it I'll unbookmark it, usually referenced somewhere so it's not lost completely.

When subscribing to a feed I will name it by the author's name if I can find it. When I'm eyeballing what to read, this splits out the personal blogs from the others. Sharing of names is a personal choice though, and I respect that.

I track Mastodon hashtags too, but limit this to 5 posts per hastag and don't show them in the main feed as they can be pretty frequent. I don't check these very often.

I also subscribe to my own feeds so I can check they're working (and apologise if it goes awry).