Quick Post 2025-01-17 21:59
2025-01-17 21:59
I've been tinkering with my quick-posts page so was excited to see Steve has plans too with his Short Posts. Look forward to seeing where he takes it. I really like stumbling across microblogs, short form notes, snippets, fleetings notes, and all that. They are a pleasure to read, often random and fun little snippets from everyday life.
These are some aggregators or individual pages of (mostly) journal-type text-only posts. For the aggregators you can click through to the individual capsule, journal or thoughts page.
- flounder (https)
- flounder (gemini) (always better in the terminal)
- The Neon Kiosk
- thoughts.page
- ~pgadey's ยต-blog
- Seirdy's Notes
- adiabatic's scrawlspace (gemini)