Quick-Post 2024-09-26
2024-09-26 08:58
I'm going to try and post more of these "quick-posts". Just blurt things out. My setup is not entirely frictionless though - I have to be at one of my laptops to send things into the interwebs, and manually build the site every time, push to Neocities, and add-commit-push to GitHub. So, my fleeting "blurts" are kind of lost in the complex process.
Anyway I'm still learning, structuring MY site how I want it, exploring avenues, learning more about web development. I have soooo many ideas. My method at the moment is to build the structure and slowly process improve to remove the friction.
And I know there's Bear and Pika and micro.blog, which are great, but I want to get into the weeds a bit. I guess understand how those tools were built. Actually yeah, if I could build something like Bear, Pika or micro.blog, in my own style that friends and family could use, that would be freakin awesome. This is my journey.
Well, that went somewhere. These "blurts" really work.