
Link Stash

This is an ever-growing list of interesting and/or useful web links I have found, exported from my active buku bookmark manager. Hopefully you find something useful. I lost a few descriptions in the migration so working on pulling them back in.

No fancy searching here, though I'm trying to add appropriate tags. Ctrl-F is your friend (or whatever "find on page" function your device uses).

Recent additions

221. Self-hosting series | 32x33 Institute
An introductory series on self-hosting. One day...
TAGS: how-to, self-hosting

220. Build your own X
Big list of instructional guides on how to build your own tools and apps. Easy to advanced, sorted by type of tool and language used.
TAGS: diy, resources, software, tools

219. Nethack
TAGS: game, roguelike

218. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
TAGS: game, roguelike

217. Add a directory to $PATH variable
Discusses both temporary and permanent settings.
TAGS: how-to, linux

216. durdraw
An ASCII art editor for the terminal. Supports mouse-mode, different colour schemes, symbol pickers, and has some nice keyboard bindings which I could pick up fairly quickly.
TAGS: ascii-art, cli, tool

215. TryHackMe | Cyber Security Training
A tidy looking website of learning modules and pathways on cyber security. Free and paid tiers. Will consider doing the free ones in my spare time so I can at least get the basics.
TAGS: education, infosec

214. Quantum Radio
80s gaming vibe music.
TAGS: radio

213. todo.txt-cli usage
Common commands and usage for todo.txt-cli.
TAGS: cli, docs

212. todo.txt-cli
CLI tool I use to manage my todo.txt.
TAGS: cli, task-management, tool

211. todo.txt format
How to run a todo.txt list. My new favourite task management system. It has absolutely everything I need to implement GTD in a single file (or two when I archive "done" tasks). It hasn't taken me long to get used to it. To make it a bit more visually pleasing and added functionality like sorting and archiving I use todo.txt-cli on my laptop and markor text editor on Android, and sync between the two devices with Syncthing.
TAGS: how-to, task-management

210. yazi keymap default
Default key mapping for the yazi terminal file explorer.
TAGS: cli, docs, yazi

209. Localtunnel
Run a simple one-line command to expose a local web server to the internet. Tried with [serve](https://github.com/vercel/serve) with no issues. Have to login with IP address as password.
TAGS: server, web-development

208. CLI Apps
A curated list of command line apps.
TAGS: cli, resources, tools

207. pico.sh
Open source and managed web services leveraging SSH. Includes a static site hosting platform (Pages), CLI blogging platform (Prose), RSS-to-email service.
TAGS: cli, hosting, ssh, tools, web-development

206. eapl.me
Microblogging twtxter and curator of many many links.
TAGS: blog, bookmarks, personal, tech

205. The Linux Documentation Project: Guides
In-depth guides on all things Linux. Great amount of content. I'm reading through the bash guide for beginners and advanced bash-scripting guides.
TAGS: bash, cli, how-to, linux

204. async-neocities
Quickly scans through my static site public directory to determine what changed files need to be uploaded to Neocities. Improves speed significantly from the standard Neocities CLI tool.
TAGS: cli, neocities, tool

203. IndieWeb manifesto | Venkatram Harish Belvadi
"... it is important that individuals take back control of the internet to have it work the way we desire; to create on the web an atmosphere that resonates with us as individuals in which large, faceless corporations are merely participants no different from us." Author explores his thoughts on POSSE, links, RSS, webmentions, design and email.
TAGS: blog-post, indieweb, manifesto, web-development

Previously added

202. A Quick Notes Script for Taskwarrior | Random Geekery
After receiving an email from a friend who sparked some thinking regarding links between bookmarking and task management I thought it'd be cool to explore linking buku (bookmarking) and taskwarrior (task-management), both command line utilities. This might be a starting point, as I want to have a notes section associated with the tasks, which I don't think taskwarrior has out of the box.
TAGS: cli, how-to, task-management, taskwarrior

201. manpageblog
Looks like a really cool documentation static site generator. Would like to move my integrator study notes into something like this.
TAGS: ssg, style, web-development

200. Days
I've always wanted to code up something similar to this. Reality is I never will, and this is a fantastic little tool that does it all for me. Haven't forked it yet, but think it will be a fun project when I do.
TAGS: tool

199. Rek Bell
I really like roaming Rek's site. Both writing and art is neat and refreshingly unique. Lots of inspo.
TAGS: art, blog, inspo, zines

198. Geany
I wanted to move away from Microsoft VS Code, and have a simple coding environment for my mediocre python scripting. Labelled as "flyweight" sounded perfect. Now I've got my environments set up I'm pretty happy with Geany. I don't get the split cells like I do in Jupyter or Spyder, but that's not a huge deal for me right now.
TAGS: coding, ide, python, tool

197. Setting Helix up as a Python IDE | Nathaniel Knight
I got halfway there doing this, but got stuck with pipx. Eventually figured it out, but by then I had stumbled across the Geany IDE and went down that path instead of helix. May return to helix and this how-to so bookmarking this for future reference.
TAGS: helix, how-to, python

196. Proton Radio
Another online radio with electronic/house-type Artists and DJs. Bit of a new style of music I'm digging lately. Just enjoying it as background music really.
TAGS: radio

195. On Creativity: My modest guide to being more creative | Jeff Zych
Great list of ways to build and maintain creativity. Quantity over quality, bookmark stuff, surround yourself with inspirational others, breathe, reset, start and stop, share and review.
TAGS: creativity, inspo

194. Mythical Type | Kali
Enjoying reading about Kali's zine-making, appreciating her little tidbits in each post. Fantastic inspiration for a zine noob like me.
TAGS: blog, inspo, zines

193. Zines Are Not Blogs | Barnard Zine Library
An interesting look at similiarities between zines and blogs. I'm personally wanting to interweave the two. Watch this space.
TAGS: blogging, zines

192. SomaFM
A good bunch of community supported radio stations. Something for all occasions.
TAGS: radio

191. Chilltrax
An easy-listening community supported online radio. Perfect background music while working away on the computer, or chilling at home.
TAGS: radio

190. neomutt
Email client for the terminal.
TAGS: cli, email

189. No CSS Club
More minimalist reading delight.
TAGS: clubweb, smallweb, smolweb, webring

188. lmno.lol
As simplistic a blogging platform as you can get. Takes two seconds to get started. VERY impressive.
TAGS: blogging-platform

187. mdsite
Simplistic static site generator with command line capability for builds.
TAGS: cli, ssg

186. Low Tech Webring Directory
TAGS: retro, webring

185. Email in the Terminal: Configuring Neomutt | Gideon Wolfe
How Gideon uses the email terminal client neomutt. He shares his configuration and reasoning. As I've started moving most my things to the command line I'll definitely give this one a go for email.
TAGS: blog-post, cli, neomutt

184. vgmi
Another Gemini client with vim-like keybindings. Looks similar to amfora, but has had an update recently. Would like to give a go for comparison.
TAGS: cli, gemini

183. Designing Friction | Luna Maurer and Roel Wouters | Emotions Don't Have Wrinkles Zine
"The more we move and act, the more friction we encounter. The more friction there is, the more we engage and care. Friction drives our engagement." I needed to hear this! My computer methods are definitely friction-FULL, and I was beginning to wonder if I was making things worse for myself. Case in point, I bookmarked this exact post by sharing the link from my phone to a note, imported it to buku using a bash script, opened the link, re-read it again, and jotted my notes and tags down. I'll soon run another script to post to my website. I re-engaged by reading it a second time, and loved it even more.
TAGS: creativity, friction, inspo, zine

182. A Soft Manifesto | Cortney Cassidy
About having and maintaining your own creative voice in a world which may be pulling you away from it. Cortney shares a bit of her journey through email blogs and physical zines. The "soft" part is about softening her's and her reader's expectations to land her in a spot where she "can expand and build her definition of what it means to be an artist and where she can be an artist". She provides a list of principles at the end to "act as a soft manifesto for myself, and for anyone else who wants to be an artist practicing for softer reasons at softer paces in softer spaces".
TAGS: art, blog-post, creativity, inspo, productivity, rejection

181. Gemini Protocol Projects | Krispin Schulz
Massive list of everything Gemini.
TAGS: gemini, resources

180. What is this Gemini thing anyway, and why am I excited about it? | Drew DeVault
Pros and info about Gemini.
TAGS: blog-post, gemini

179. Alpine Linux does not make the news | Drew DeVault
Another reason why I'm giving the Alpine distro a go on my old device. I like the "quiet achiever" feel that Drew is indicating in this post.
TAGS: blog-post, distros, linux

178. Drew DeVault's blog
Good posts on tech related things, some of which I can understand and are relatable. Nice mix of reasoning behind his choices.
TAGS: blog, personal, tech

177. How to Create and Use Alias Command in Linux | GeeksforGeeks
TAGS: aliases, cli, how-to

176. Anchors | Clemens Scott
Very cool dark style personal website.
TAGS: blog, inspo, personal, personal-website, style

175. Low Tech Magazine
Sites down. Must be overcast.
TAGS: inspo, magazine, permacomputing, retro, style

A fun rabbit-hole. Guess I am eligible now.
TAGS: webring

173. The maps we are, the maps we make | Adam Steer
A great read on our internal, interconnected, evolving maps. I love maps and systems thinking so this was a treat.
TAGS: evolution, humanity, maps, systems-thinking

172. I Built My Own Content Delivery Network | Michael Burkhardt
Sounds hard. Bookmarked for future me.
TAGS: self-hosting

171. My solar-powered and self-hosted website | Dries Buytaert
Very good write-up of Dries' setup.
TAGS: self-hosting, server

170. Helix as a notes tool | Tim Hårek
I've started adopting this terminal alternative to note-taking. The combo of the marksman markdown LSP and helix's ability to run custom bash scripts/sh commands is looking very powerful.
TAGS: cli, helix, markdown, marksman, note-taking

169. SSH Essentials: Working with SSH Servers, Clients, and Keys | DigitalOcean
Good intro to SSH.
TAGS: cli, server, ssh

168. On using Alpine Linux as a Desktop | Bobby Hiltz
Good summary for the Alpine Linux distro. I'll try this next. It's called Alpine afterall.
TAGS: blog-post, distros, linux

167. The New Internet | Tailscale
I'm starting to play around with Tailscale and Taildrop. This is a bit of a history of the internet and vision for Tailscale.
TAGS: network, self-hosting, server

166. Web Radio | 998bg
List of 94 web radio stations playable from the browser.
TAGS: radio

165. Colophon | Matt Webb
A detailed colophon on Matt's website Interconnected. A lot of reasoning behind the path he's taken.
TAGS: blog-post, web-development

164. Helix yank to system clipboard fix
TLDR Just install xsel
TAGS: helix, how-to

163. Reading and writing notes with yazi and helix
Article has some good little workflow pointers.
TAGS: cli, helix, how-to, yazi

162. cli.club
Command-line Interface Tools and Alternatives
TAGS: cli, resources, tools

161. tty1 articles
A bunch of well-written articles by Benjamin Hollon on Linux tools and use cases. Lots of useful tips and tricks.
TAGS: blog, cli, linux

160. Make Your Internet Better Today | Lou Plummer
An alternative to uBlock Origin which seems to be losing its affect across some browsers.
TAGS: blog-post, how-to, infosec

159. Rishikesh Sreehari
A nice personal blog.
TAGS: blog, personal

158. x-log | Andreas Jaggi
Bunch of tech related articles.
TAGS: blog, tech

157. Ramen with chicken bone broth, pork shoulder, soft-boiled egg and greens
After a cracker ramen meal at Tanoshi, I want to give this a go.
TAGS: recipe

156. Best Sleep Trackers of 2024: Data That Matters
Looking for a non-obtrusive sleep tracker for dad.
TAGS: devices

155. The bash book to rule them all
Sounds like a good read and reference book for my early stages of learning bash.
TAGS: bash, books, cli

154. Why you need a WTF notebook
Maybe a bit overkill for the new job I'm about to start, but a good reminder to start capturing notes to line up questions for my boss and colleagues.
TAGS: blog-post, note-taking

153. gemtext
Intro to gemtext
TAGS: gemini

152. Dmitri Vassilenko
Nice style and content
TAGS: blog, inspo, personal, tech

151. Cool stuff on the Internet | Andrei
What the title says
TAGS: links

150. Mega pricing
A NZ cloud storage service that offers 20gb on the free account. They also have a MEGA CMD tool to operate through the command line.
TAGS: cli, cloud-storage

149. The Modern CLI Renaissance | Gabe Venberg
A good background to modern CLI use and a bit of history, written September 2024.
TAGS: cli

148. Datagubbe | Carl Svensson
TAGS: blog, personal, tech

147. Ruben.Coffee | Ruben Schade
List of Ruben's favourite coffee shops in Sydney and around the world, and a bunch of other coffee-related favs.
TAGS: coffee, coffee-shops, places

146. Using CSS selectors in FreshRSS to automatically retrieve the full text of partial text RSS feeds
TAGS: how-to, rss

145. Low-Quality Image Placeholders with Cecil | Arnaud
How to embed placeholders under images so pages load to their full length on load quicker while images are loading. I have created a couple of img classes that define the width, which supposedly achieves a similar thing, but I will research this when I fix my image workflow.
TAGS: blog-post, how-to, images, web-development

144. Gemini Quickstart!
An introduction to Gemini for the beginner. I found this a good starting ground. Links to a bunch of resources, though some towards the end are broken.
TAGS: cli, gemini

143. yazi Docs
A quick guide on the basic usage of Yazi.
TAGS: cli, docs

142. The Neon Kiosk
TAGS: blog, blog-aggregator

141. AlternativeTo
Search alternatives to applications or tools.
TAGS: resources, search-engine, tools

140. Linux Software
Massive list of linux software separated by categories.
TAGS: linux, resources, software, tools

139. Loris Cro
Personal website, creator of Zine SSG.
TAGS: blog, zine

138. Newsboat
An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals. Contribute to newsboat/newsboat development by creating an account on GitHub.
TAGS: cli, newsboat, rss

137. tut Docs
TAGS: cli, docs, mastodon

136. Re: To Blogroll, or to Not? | Steve
TAGS: blogging, blogroll, thoughts

135. When the World Went Quiet | Andreas
TAGS: covid, quiet, reflection

134. A Reminder to Take a Walk and Breathe | JCProbably
TAGS: breathing, mindfulness, walk

133. Upleveling Freedom | Matias
TAGS: freedom, growth, self-expression

132. Gora Bobash-Ata | Sean O'Rourke
TAGS: adventure, kyrgyzstan, peak-bagging

131. Blogroll Network Map | Robert Alexander
TAGS: blogroll, network, rss

130. The Power of Environment | The Path Less Travelled
TAGS: environment, inner-world, personal-growth

129. The Importance of Following Smolweb Guidelines | Adële
I like the principles of the smolweb movement (another new term to me). I have a long way to go, but enjoy ticking small things off on my journey. I’d like to focus on how I handle images next. This is a great landing page for inspiration.
TAGS: guidelines, smolweb

128. Stumbled into Linux | spelk
I haven’t gone down the Linux path but I am being drawn in. With inspo the #OldComputerChallenge under way, and an old laptop at the ready I am thinking of giving it a crack. I enjoyed this post on spelk’s early experiences with Linux and feeling like a fish out of water, but the rewards soon showed. On a side, check out 82MHz’s #OldComputerChallenge [post](https://82mhz.net/posts/2024/07/old-computer-challenge-2024-day-4/) on some possibilities in this environment. This is all beyond my skill levels, but very cool.
TAGS: how-to, linux

127. Best Ways to Watch YouTube Videos | Nguyễn Gia Phong
I’m using uBlock Origin, but wow, people are doing some amazing things to avoid the negative sides of hostile, tracker-riddled hellscapes. I really appreciate posts like this to help guide my own methods.
TAGS: ad-blocking, tools, youtube

126. Advice for People Who Want to Learn Linux | Ramin Honary
I’ve started using Linux on my old Acer laptop. Some good tips in here. Hoping in time I will understand all the gibberish.
TAGS: how-to, linux

125. GNU Recutils
A set of tools and libraries to access human-editable, plain text databases called recfiles. With my new exploration of the command line I’d really like to give this a go. I’m think about making a database for my vege growing.
TAGS: cli, database-management, recfiles, tool

124. Tara Tama Traverse | Caroline Bellamy
Found this blog and vlog while planning a mission in the same area. I’ve had two missions out this way and it is tough going. The scrub bashing and creek crossings shown in the video felt familiar. Alastair McDowell, one of NZ’s most accomplished mountaineers, was part of this party so you know it’ll be a good one.
TAGS: hiking, nz, routes

123. Enchaining NZ's 3000m Peaks in 31 Days | Alastair McDowell
"It’s hard to describe the emotions on that final summit, because there were none. Despite the glorious, windless evening, I felt devoid of any feeling. I was simply too tired. We were also confused. Jetlagged. Aoraki was just over there, we could see it clearly. Two days ago, we were there. Now we were here. Everything had worked. Feelings would come later." Alastair McDowell’s writeup of his epic mission with mate Hamish Fleming. Accompanying interview with author Ray Salisbury which includes some footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW4Jp9Jh84k.
TAGS: alpine, challenge, mountains, nz

122. Eyre Peak 30 October - 1 November 2017 | Neil Sloan
Another well captioned photography blog I found while planning another mission. I find these writeups so useful!
TAGS: routes

121. Losing Interest in Organizing Things | Jack Baty
I concur. For my main note-taking app, Obsidian, files and folders once had their specific place, but as I lost interest in the time spent managing a filing system and I just wanted to get on capturing and moving on, I moved towards simply relying on searching and tags. This page itself is stored in the main folder amongst 100s of other notes. I just hit CTRL-SHIFT-F, start typing “Junited” and there it is. I can feel my other files and folders getting a bit like this too. OneCommander is a great file explorer that I find enhances the navigation experience.
TAGS: notes, productivity

120. Elizabeth Way Roundabout: Brutality | Mr. H
TAGS: development, public-space, urban

119. Incandescence | balfarg
TAGS: archaeology, sky, stone-circles

118. It's a Dream World | Kelson
TAGS: dream, observation, time

117. 32bit.cafe Community Code Jam #4 | 32bit.cafe
TAGS: code, jam, location

116. Images of the Road | David Johnson
TAGS: road, time, travel

115. The Heavyweight Client in Public Space | CPG
TAGS: architecture, cities, public-space

114. Create a Space for Your Keys | Nathaniel
TAGS: gtd, home, organization

113. Disposing of a Dead Body | lordmatt
TAGS: crime, guide, writing

112. TransAmerica Bike Tour 09 | Chris Nadovich
TAGS: cycling, transamerica, travel

111. 23/06/2024 | Colin Walker
TAGS: daily, personal, reflection

110. Sending a Flag to Alaska | Nathan
TAGS: alaska, geocaching, travel

109. Teejay's Blog | Teejay
TAGS: buildings, photography, stories

108. Pub Crawling as Psychogeography | Boak & Bailey
TAGS: psychogeography, pubs, travel

107. An Adventure in Space and Time | Eoghan Walsh
TAGS: brussels, space, travel

106. Spring Tune-up + Ride | Rachel J. Kwon
After giving her bike some TLC Rachel takes it out for a spin. Just a fun write up with cool snaps along the way. Also accompanied by a map 👌
TAGS: blog-post, cycling

105. Third Places and Meetups | Juha-Matti Santala
On “third places”. Juhis talks about meetups as third places. Might be a stretch, but the mountains are my third place. I read this not long after I was thinking about how when I run the local trails I regularly end up having a good yarn with someone. I feel like its a social outing even though I run solo. A bit like going to the pub without announcing it, knowing you’ll run into someone.
TAGS: meetups, social, third-places

104. Peaks and Pass's, the Alps of Kyrgystan | Nathan Dahlberg
Just a cool bunch of photos bike-packing through Kyrgystan mountains.
TAGS: bike-packing, kyrgystan, places

103. Web Manifesto | Daryl Sun
"It is my hope that someday, once my bones have turned to dust, someone in the future will find archives of this blog, and have glimpses of this time, this place, this life that I have lived." I like this idea of leaving a breadcrumb of existence on the web. How cool to know your ancestors 100 years from now can get to know the you by reading through your blog.
TAGS: death, manifesto, web

102. Springtime in Alpine Meadows | Franz Graf
I enjoy Franz’s write ups and the photography. Makes we want to visit Germany. That shot of the Karwendel range in the backdrop 👌 It’s nice to see opposite seasons at the other end of the world.
TAGS: germany, photography, places

101. Emoji Copy
TAGS: copy, emoji, tools

100. SCSS Hover and Navigation
TAGS: hover, navigation, scss

99. Script to Generate RSS Feed
TAGS: rss, script, xml

98. MDN Flexbox Guide
TAGS: css, flexbox, guide

97. CSS Grid and Flexbox
TAGS: css, flexbox, grid

96. Common Flexbox Patterns
TAGS: css, flexbox, patterns

95. CSS Flexbox Guide
TAGS: css, flexbox, guide

94. Sass Basics Guide
TAGS: css, guide, sass

93. CSS Bed
TAGS: css, design, styling

92. Concrete Style
TAGS: css, design, inspo, styling

91. Emile GitHub Repository
TAGS: emile, mastodon, tool, zola

90. Emile Workflow for Zola
TAGS: emile, mastodon, workflow, zola

89. Zine Static Site Generator
Zine: Fast, Scalable and Flexible Static Site Generator
TAGS: ssg, web-development

88. Zoner Static Site Generator
Really simple static site generator.
TAGS: cli, ssg, zoner

87. Tera Templates for Zola
Documentation on tera templates which Zola uses.
TAGS: docs, tera, zola

86. Zola Static Site Generator
The static site generator I use to build my site.
TAGS: cli, ssg, tool, zola

85. Neocities CLI
TAGS: cli, hosting

84. pages.casa
TAGS: hosting, smol, web

83. The Art of Unix Programming
TAGS: book, programming, unix

82. ctrl-c.club
TAGS: community, retro, ssh

81. tilde.town
TAGS: community, retro, tilde

80. Linux Beginner Tutorials
TAGS: beginners, linux, tutorials

79. newsboat Docs
TAGS: cli, documentation, newsboat, rss

78. Why Tiling Window Manager Sucks
TAGS: linux, tiling, xmonad

77. ImageMagick Thumbnails
TAGS: imagick, thumbnails

76. ALL About RSS
TAGS: guide, rss

75. toot
TAGS: cli, mastodon

74. tut
TAGS: cli, mastodon

73. yazi
Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
TAGS: cli

72. Miniflux - Minimalist and Opinionated Feed Reader
Has content manipulation like a regex filter to block articles.
TAGS: feeds, rss

71. Lazybear
TAGS: blog, tech

70. SOFA
Start Often Finish rArely or Start Often Fuck Achievements. "The point of SOFA club is to start as many things as possible as you have the ability, interest, and capacity to, with no regard or goal whatsoever for finishing those projects." Love it!
TAGS: blog-post, productivity

69. In the Beginning... Was the Command Line
In the Beginning... Was the Command Line is an essay by Neal Stephenson which was originally published online in 1999 and later made available in book form: November 1999, ISBN 978-0380815937. The essay is a commentary on why the proprietary operating systems business is unlikely to remain profitable in the future because of competition from free software. It also analyzes the corporate/collective culture of the Microsoft, Apple Computer, and free software communities. wikipedia
TAGS: article, cli

68. An Interactive Guide to Flexbox in CSS • Josh W. Comeau
Really good interactive and visual beginners tutorial on flexbox.
TAGS: flexbox, how-to, web-development

67. helix GitHub
The text editor I use in the terminal. It is based off vim and kakoune, both of which I haven't used, but the built-in tutor and good documentation got me up and running pretty quickly. I use this for writing my website, note-taking, scripts, you name it. Combine language server protocols like marksman for markdown enhances the experience.
TAGS: cli, github, text-editor

66. helix Docs
TAGS: cli, docs

65. Writing My Own HTML
TAGS: blog, html, personal

64. Random Blogging Prompts
TAGS: blogging, prompts

63. Install Linux Distros on Android
TAGS: android, linux, termux

62. Notes vs Blog Styling
TAGS: blog, notes, styling

61. Wandering Thoughts
TAGS: blog, notes, tech

60. Tabletop Whale - Digital Maps
TAGS: digital, illustrations, maps

59. Command-Line Cartography Part 1
TAGS: cartography, cli

58. ~pgadey's blog
Random microblogging with a heaps of links thrown in. Good for a random scroll.
TAGS: blog, inspo, links, micro-blog, style

57. Flexbox HTML CSS Tutorial
TAGS: css, flexbox, html

56. Danny van Kooten Blog
TAGS: blog, creator, gozer

55. Gozer Static Site Generator
TAGS: gozer, ssg

54. Dark Orange Style Blog
TAGS: blog, dark, inspo, style

53. Tiny Tools Directory
TAGS: tiny, tools, utilities

52. Pandoc for Text-to-HTML
TAGS: html, pandoc, unix

51. GNU Recutils Blog Post
TAGS: blog, gnu, recutils

50. Digital Record Collection
TAGS: collection, music, records

49. Flex Froggy Game
TAGS: css, flexbox, game

48. Typeracer Game
TAGS: game, typing

47. Plantay.me Blog
TAGS: blog, inspo, personal, style

46. How I Stay Sharp and Motivated
TAGS: learning, motivation, self-improvement

45. Blain Smith Blog
TAGS: blog, personal, tech

44. Hamster CMS Hosting
TAGS: cms, hosting

43. Hamster CMS - Retro Web Creator
TAGS: cms, retro, web-development

42. helix
A post-modern text editor. Similar to Vim, inspired by Kakoune.
TAGS: cli, text-editor

41. Android Open Source Projects
TAGS: android, open-source, resources

40. IT Tavern - Linux Tips
TAGS: linux, tips, websites

39. Fantastic Bookmarks Layout
TAGS: blog, bookmarks, layout

38. Nazhamid Blog
TAGS: blog, personal, tech

37. Full Archive RSS and Atom Feeds
TAGS: atom, feeds, rss

36. Cursor Party
TAGS: cursor, fun, party

35. Graph Game
TAGS: game, graph

34. Blogging Journey from Geocities to Self-Hosting
TAGS: blogging, geocities, self-hosting

33. PostmarketOS - Linux for Mobile
TAGS: distro, linux, mobile

32. Personal Websites Article
TAGS: personal, websites

31. Kayser Serif Coffee Chat Links
TAGS: chat, coffee, links

30. Daily Tech Link Drops
TAGS: links, tech

29. Spencer Chang Blog
TAGS: blog, personal, tech

28. Roy Tang Links and Blog
TAGS: blog, links

27. Building CLI Tools
TAGS: cli, programming, tools

26. Gutter Mag 20th Edition
TAGS: art, zine

25. Pyratebeard Hacker Blog
TAGS: blog, hacker

24. Personal Tech Blog by Thorsten Zöller
Really minimalist personal blog created with HTML only.
TAGS: blog, minimal, personal, style, tech

23. Neon Kiosk - HTML Journal
A simple Journal style using HTML. Creates an atom feed and posts to Neon Kiosk. Has a sister-project called HTML Blog. Creator of Midnight Pub, m15o.
TAGS: blogging, journalling

22. Smol Blog by ttt
TAGS: blog, midnight-pub

21. Small HTTP Server
Full blown lightweight server software.
TAGS: server, software, tool

20. Monologous
A small PHP Blog Utility
TAGS: blogging, php, tool

19. Websites on Web1.0 Hosting
TAGS: hosting, web1.0

18. Ctrl-C Club Zine Issue 16
TAGS: community, ctrl-c, zine

17. Grow Your Own Services
TAGS: self-hosting, server

16. Computing with Sustainability in Mind
Good starting point for sustainable computing.
TAGS: permacomputing, sustainability

15. Plain Vanilla Web Development
An explainer for doing web development using only vanilla techniques. No tools, no frameworks — just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
TAGS: css, html, javascript, learning, web-development

14. The Odin Project Foundations Course
I found this an incredibly useful intro to HTML, CSS and git. I didn't get through the javascript module, but I constantly go back to a lot of these pages for reference. My number 1 recommendation for anyone wanting to learn a bit about web development for the first time.
TAGS: css, html, javascript, learning, web-development

13. Hug Your Server Admins
Let's thank our admins for keeping the wheels in motion. grubz is always a pleasure to read.
TAGS: admin, appreciation, server

12. Infosec Tools
A whole bunch of clever tools. Fun to just browse around.
TAGS: infosec, tools

11. Getting into Information Security
Amazing list of resources to start diving into Infomation Security. Not all infosec-specific. There's a bunch of links to other related topics (but definitely linked to the infosec industry) like coding, operating systems, networks. This would be my starting point if I ever get the time to take a deep dive.
TAGS: infosec, learning

10. Clew Search Results for SSH
TAGS: search, ssh

9. Markdown Viewers for Linux Command Line
TAGS: cli, linux, markdown

8. Frugal Computing
TAGS: frugal computing, sustainability

7. Sam Harris Meditation
I don't really meditate, but this was recommended to me by my therapist at the time, knowing that I don't really meditate, so there's probably some stuff that works for me. Haven't checked it out yet.
TAGS: meditation, sam-harris

6. Clew
Search engine of independent sites.
TAGS: search-engine

5. How to Run a Simple Web Server on iPad or iPhone
Includes details on terminal tools to use. Another way to set up a storage device?
TAGS: iphone, server, terminal

4. thoth
Scratchpad for the terminal. Capture notes as you're working.
TAGS: cli

3. Newspaper styling
Ideas for styling my website as a newspaper.
TAGS: inspo, style

2. Set $EDITOR environment variable
Specific to Nano, but can be adjusted for any editor.
TAGS: how-to, linux

1. buku
Bookmark manager.
TAGS: cli