
Link Stash

This is an ever-growing list of interesting and/or useful web links I have found, exported from my active buku bookmark manager. Hopefully you find something useful. I lost a few descriptions in the migration so working on pulling them back in.

No fancy searching here, though I'm adding appropriate tags (some are still a bit shite, thanks ChatGPT). Ctrl-F is your friend (or whatever "find on page" function your device uses).

Recent additions

177. How to Create and Use Alias Command in Linux | GeeksforGeeks
TAGS: aliases,cli,how-to

176. Anchors | Clemens Scott
Very cool dark style personal website.
TAGS: blog,personal,personal-website,style

175. Low Tech Magazine
Sites down. Must be overcast.
TAGS: magazine,permacomputing,retro,style

A fun rabbit-hole. Guess I am eligible now.
TAGS: webring

173. The maps we are, the maps we make | Adam Steer
A great read on our internal, interconnected, evolving maps. I love maps and systems thinking so this was a treat.
TAGS: evolution,humanity,maps,systems-thinking

172. I Built My Own Content Delivery Network | Michael Burkhardt
Sounds hard. Bookmarked for future me.
TAGS: self-hosting

171. My solar-powered and self-hosted website | Dries Buytaert
Very good write-up of Dries' setup.
TAGS: self-hosting,server

170. Helix as a notes tool | Tim Hårek
I've started adopting this terminal alternative to note-taking. The combo of the marksman markdown LSP and helix's ability to run custom bash scripts/sh commands is looking very powerful.
TAGS: cli,helix,markdown,marksman,note-taking

169. SSH Essentials: Working with SSH Servers, Clients, and Keys | DigitalOcean
Good intro to SSH.
TAGS: cli,server,ssh

168. On using Alpine Linux as a Desktop | Bobby Hiltz
Good summary for the Alpine Linux distro. I'll try this next. It's called Alpine afterall.
TAGS: blog-post,distros,linux

167. The New Internet | Tailscale
I'm starting to play around with Tailscale and Taildrop. This is a bit of a history of the internet and vision for Tailscale.
TAGS: network,self-hosting,server

166. Web Radio | 998bg
List of 94 web radio stations playable from the browser.
TAGS: radio

165. Colophon | Matt Webb
A detailed colophon on Matt's website Interconnected. A lot of reasoning behind the path he's taken.
TAGS: blog-post,web-development

164. Helix yank to system clipboard fix
TLDR Just install xsel
TAGS: helix,how-to

Previously added

163. Reading and writing notes with yazi and helix
Article has some good little workflow pointers.
TAGS: cli,helix,how-to,yazi

162. cli.club
Command-line Interface Tools and Alternatives
TAGS: cli,software

161. tty1 articles
A bunch of well-written articles by Benjamin Hollon on Linux tools and use cases. Lots of useful tips and tricks.
TAGS: blog,cli,linux

160. Make Your Internet Better Today | Lou Plummer
An alternative to uBlock Origin which seems to be losing its affect across some browsers.
TAGS: blog-post,how-to,infosec

159. Rishikesh Sreehari
A nice personal blog.
TAGS: blog,personal

158. x-log | Andreas Jaggi
Bunch of tech related articles.
TAGS: blog,tech

157. Ramen with chicken bone broth, pork shoulder, soft-boiled egg and greens
After a cracker ramen meal at Tanoshi, I want to give this a go.
TAGS: recipe

156. Best Sleep Trackers of 2024: Data That Matters
Looking for a non-obtrusive sleep tracker for dad.
TAGS: devices

155. The bash book to rule them all
Sounds like a good read and reference book for my early stages of learning bash.
TAGS: bash,books,cli

154. Why you need a WTF notebook
Maybe a bit overkill for the new job I'm about to start, but a good reminder to start capturing notes to line up questions for my boss and colleagues.
TAGS: blog-post,note-taking

153. gemtext
Intro to gemtext
TAGS: gemini

152. Dmitri Vassilenko
Nice style and content
TAGS: blog,personal,tech

151. Cool stuff on the Internet | Andrei
What the title says
TAGS: links

150. Mega pricing
A NZ cloud storage service that offers 20gb on the free account. They also have a MEGA CMD tool to operate through the command line.
TAGS: cli,cloud-storage

149. The Modern CLI Renaissance | Gabe Venberg
A good background to modern CLI use and a bit of history, written September 2024.
TAGS: cli

148. Datagubbe | Carl Svensson
TAGS: blog,personal,tech

147. Ruben.Coffee | Ruben Schade
List of author's favourite coffee shops in Sydney and around the world, and a bunch of other coffee-related favs.
TAGS: coffee,coffee-shops,places

146. Using CSS selectors in FreshRSS to automatically retrieve the full text of partial text RSS feeds
TAGS: how-to,rss

145. Low-Quality Image Placeholders with Cecil | Arnaud
How to embed placeholders under images so pages load to their full length on load quicker while images are loading. I have created a couple of img classes that define the width, which supposedly achieves a similar thing, but I will research this when I fix my image workflow.
TAGS: blog-post,how-to,images,web-development

144. Gemini Quickstart!
An introduction to Gemini for the beginner. I found this a good starting ground. Links to a bunch of resources, though some towards the end are broken.
TAGS: cli,gemini

143. yazi Docs
A quick guide on the basic usage of Yazi.
TAGS: cli,docs

142. The Neon Kiosk
TAGS: blog,blog-aggregator

141. AlternativeTo
Search alternatives to applications or tools.
TAGS: search,software

140. Awesome Linux Software
Massive list of linux software separated by categories.
TAGS: linux,list,software

139. Loris Cro
Personal website, creator of Zine SSG.
TAGS: blog,zine

138. Newsboat
An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals. Contribute to newsboat/newsboat development by creating an account on GitHub.
TAGS: cli,newsboat,rss

137. tut Docs
TAGS: cli,docs,mastodon

136. Re: To Blogroll, or to Not? | Steve
TAGS: blogging,blogroll,thoughts

135. When the World Went Quiet | Andreas
TAGS: covid,quiet,reflection

134. A Reminder to Take a Walk and Breathe | JCProbably
TAGS: breathing,mindfulness,walk

133. Upleveling Freedom | Matias
TAGS: freedom,growth,self-expression

132. Gora Bobash-Ata | Sean O'Rourke
TAGS: adventure,kyrgyzstan,peak-bagging

131. Blogroll Network Map | Robert Alexander
TAGS: blogroll,network,rss

130. The Power of Environment | The Path Less Travelled
TAGS: environment,inner-world,personal-growth

129. The Importance of Following Smolweb Guidelines | Adële
TAGS: guidelines,minimalism,smolweb

128. Stumbled into Linux | spelk
TAGS: experience,linux,old-computer-challenge

127. Best Ways to Watch YouTube Videos | Nguyễn Gia Phong
TAGS: ad-blocking,tools,youtube

126. Advice for People Who Want to Learn Linux | Ramin Honary
TAGS: advice,learning,linux

125. GNU Recutils | GNU
TAGS: cli,database,recfiles

124. Tara Tama Traverse | Caroline Bellamy
TAGS: hiking,nz,traverse

123. Enchaining NZ's 3000m Peaks in 31 Days | Alastair McDowell
TAGS: challenge,mountains,nz

122. Eyre Peak 30 October - 1 November 2017 | Neil Sloan
TAGS: peak,photography,travel

121. Losing Interest in Organizing Things | Jack Baty
TAGS: notes,organization,productivity

120. Elizabeth Way Roundabout: Brutality | Mr. H
TAGS: development,public-space,urban

119. Incandescence | balfarg
TAGS: archaeology,sky,stone-circles

118. It's a Dream World | Kelson
TAGS: dream,observation,time

117. 32bit.cafe Community Code Jam #4 | 32bit.cafe
TAGS: code,jam,location

116. Images of the Road | David Johnson
TAGS: road,time,travel

115. The Heavyweight Client in Public Space | CPG
TAGS: architecture,cities,public-space

114. Create a Space for Your Keys | Nathaniel
TAGS: gtd,home,organization

113. Disposing of a Dead Body | lordmatt
TAGS: crime,guide,writing

112. TransAmerica Bike Tour 09 | Chris Nadovich
TAGS: cycling,transamerica,travel

111. 23/06/2024 | Colin Walker
TAGS: daily,personal,reflection

110. Sending a Flag to Alaska | Nathan
TAGS: alaska,geocaching,travel

109. Teejay's Blog | Teejay
TAGS: buildings,photography,stories

108. Pub Crawling as Psychogeography | Boak & Bailey
TAGS: psychogeography,pubs,travel

107. An Adventure in Space and Time | Eoghan Walsh
TAGS: brussels,space,travel

106. Spring Tune-up + Ride | Rachel J. Kwon
TAGS: bike-tune,cycling,ride

105. Third Places and Meetups | Juha-Matti Santala
TAGS: meetups,social,third-places

104. Peaks and Pass's, the Alps of Kyrgystan | Nathan Dahlberg
TAGS: cycling,kyrgystan,travel

103. Web Manifesto | Daryl Sun
TAGS: future,manifesto,web

102. Springtime in Alpine Meadows | Franz Graf
TAGS: germany,photography,travel

101. Emoji Copy
TAGS: copy,emoji,tools

100. SCSS Hover and Navigation
TAGS: hover,navigation,scss

99. Script to Generate RSS Feed
TAGS: rss,script,xml

98. MDN Flexbox Guide
TAGS: css,flexbox,guide

97. CSS Grid and Flexbox
TAGS: css,flexbox,grid

96. Common Flexbox Patterns
TAGS: css,flexbox,patterns

95. CSS Flexbox Guide
TAGS: css,flexbox,guide

94. Sass Basics Guide
TAGS: css,guide,sass

93. CSS Bed
TAGS: css,design,styling

92. Concrete Style
TAGS: css,design,styling

91. Emile GitHub Repository
TAGS: emile,workflow,zola

90. Emile Workflow for Zola
TAGS: mastodon,workflow,zola

89. Zine Static Site Generator
Zine: Fast, Scalable and Flexible Static Site Generator
TAGS: ssg,web-development

88. Zoner Static Site Generator
TAGS: cli,ssg,zoner

87. Tera Templates for Zola
TAGS: templates,tera,zola

86. Zola Static Site Generator
TAGS: cli,ssg,zola

85. Neocities CLI
TAGS: cli,hosting

84. pages.casa
TAGS: hosting,smol,web

83. The Art of Unix Programming
TAGS: book,programming,unix

82. ctrl-c.club
TAGS: community,retro,ssh

81. tilde.town
TAGS: community,retro,tilde

80. Linux Beginner Tutorials
TAGS: beginners,linux,tutorials

79. newsboat Docs
TAGS: cli,documentation,newsboat,rss

78. Why Tiling Window Manager Sucks
TAGS: linux,tiling,xmonad

77. ImageMagick Thumbnails
TAGS: imagick,thumbnails

76. ALL About RSS
TAGS: guide,rss

75. toot
TAGS: cli,mastodon

74. tut
TAGS: cli,mastodon

73. yazi
Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
TAGS: cli

72. Miniflux - Minimalist and Opinionated Feed Reader
Has content manipulation like a regex filter to block articles.
TAGS: feeds,rss

71. Lazybear
TAGS: blog,tech

70. SOFA
Start Often Finish rArely or Start Often Fuck Achievements
TAGS: blog,mindset,productivity,projects

69. In the Beginning... Was the Command Line
In the Beginning... Was the Command Line is an essay by Neal Stephenson which was originally published online in 1999 and later made available in book form: November 1999, ISBN 978-0380815937. The essay is a commentary on why the proprietary operating systems business is unlikely to remain profitable in the future because of competition from free software. It also analyzes the corporate/collective culture of the Microsoft, Apple Computer, and free software communities. wikipedia
TAGS: article,cli

68. An Interactive Guide to Flexbox in CSS • Josh W. Comeau
Really good interactive and visual beginners tutorial on flexbox.
TAGS: flexbox,how-to,web-development

67. helix GitHub
TAGS: cli,github,text-editor

66. helix Docs
TAGS: cli,docs

65. Writing My Own HTML
TAGS: blog,html,personal

64. Random Blogging Prompts
TAGS: blogging,prompts

63. Install Linux Distros on Android
TAGS: android,linux,termux

62. Notes vs Blog Styling
TAGS: blog,notes,styling

61. Wandering Thoughts
TAGS: blog,notes,tech

60. Tabletop Whale - Digital Maps
TAGS: digital,illustrations,maps

59. Command-Line Cartography Part 1
TAGS: cartography,cli

58. ~pgadey's blog
TAGS: blog,dates,example,micro-blog,microblog,rss

57. Flexbox HTML CSS Tutorial
TAGS: css,flexbox,html

56. Danny van Kooten Blog
TAGS: blog,creator,gozer

55. Gozer Static Site Generator
TAGS: gozer,ssg

54. Dark Orange Style Blog
TAGS: blog,dark,style

53. Tiny Tools Directory
TAGS: tiny,tools,utilities

52. Pandoc for Text-to-HTML
TAGS: html,pandoc,unix

51. GNU Recutils Blog Post
TAGS: blog,gnu,recutils

50. Digital Record Collection
TAGS: collection,music,records

49. Flex Froggy Game
TAGS: css,flexbox,game

48. Typeracer Game
TAGS: game,typing

47. Plantay.me Blog
TAGS: blog,personal,style

46. How I Stay Sharp and Motivated
TAGS: learning,motivation,self-improvement

45. Blain Smith Blog
TAGS: blog,personal,tech

44. Hamster CMS Hosting
TAGS: cms,hosting

43. Hamster CMS - Retro Web Creator
TAGS: cms,retro,web-development

42. helix
A post-modern text editor. Similar to Vim, inspired by Kakoune.
TAGS: cli,text-editor

41. Open Source Android Apps List
TAGS: android,open source

40. IT Tavern - Linux Tips
TAGS: linux,tips,websites

39. Fantastic Bookmarks Layout
TAGS: blog,bookmarks,layout

38. Nazhamid Blog
TAGS: blog,personal,tech

37. Full Archive RSS and Atom Feeds
TAGS: atom,feeds,rss

36. Cursor Party
TAGS: cursor,fun,party

35. Graph Game
TAGS: game,graph

34. Blogging Journey from Geocities to Self-Hosting
TAGS: blogging,geocities,self-hosting

33. PostmarketOS - Linux for Mobile
TAGS: distro,linux,mobile

32. Personal Websites Article
TAGS: personal,websites

31. Kayser Serif Coffee Chat Links
TAGS: chat,coffee,links

30. Daily Tech Link Drops
TAGS: links,tech

29. Spencer Chang Blog
TAGS: blog,personal,tech

28. Roy Tang Links and Blog
TAGS: blog,links

27. Building CLI Tools
TAGS: cli,programming,tools

26. Gutter Mag 20th Edition
TAGS: art,zine

25. Pyratebeard Hacker Blog
TAGS: blog,hacker

24. Personal Tech Blog by Thorsten Zöller
TAGS: blog,personal,tech

23. Neon Kiosk - HTML Journal
TAGS: blog,html,journal

22. Smol Blog by ttt
TAGS: blog,midnight-pub

21. Small Server Software
TAGS: server,software

20. Small PHP Blog Utility
TAGS: blog,php,utility

19. Websites on Web1.0 Hosting
TAGS: hosting,web1.0

18. Ctrl-C Club Zine Issue 16
TAGS: community,ctrl-c,zine

17. Grow Your Own Services
TAGS: self-hosting,server

16. Computing with Sustainability in Mind
TAGS: permacomputing,sustainability

15. Plain Vanilla Web Development
TAGS: css,html,javascript,vanilla,web-development

14. The Odin Project Foundations Course
TAGS: learning,web-development

13. Hug Your Server Admins
TAGS: admin,appreciation,server

12. Infosec Tools
TAGS: infosec,tools

11. Getting into Information Security
TAGS: career,infosec

10. Clew Search Results for SSH
TAGS: search,ssh

9. Markdown Viewers for Linux Command Line
TAGS: cli,linux,markdown

8. Frugal Computing
TAGS: frugal computing,sustainability

7. Sam Harris Meditation
TAGS: meditation,sam harris

6. Clew
Search engine of independent sites.
TAGS: search-engine

5. How to Run a Simple Web Server on iPad or iPhone
Includes details on terminal tools to use. Another way to set up a storage device?
TAGS: iphone,server,terminal

4. buku
Bookmark manager.
TAGS: cli

3. thoth
Scratchpad for the terminal. Capture notes as you're working.
TAGS: cli

2. Newspaper styling
Ideas for styling my website as a newspaper.
TAGS: inspo,website

1. Set $EDITOR environment variable
Specific to Nano, but can be adjusted for any editor.
TAGS: how-to,linux