
πŸ—“οΈ Weeknote 2025-W08

2025-02-23 21:55

Some random front-of-mind pieces from my week.

πŸƒ Ran 45.7km / 2,750m profile - A bit less in the distance this week, but a lot more in the effort. It was fun to start some last minute event-specific training for next Saturday's no-frills race up Ben Lomond and back. If you keep track of my elevation profiles I post each week into the header of the website, you'll notice I'm quite partial to hills. This week was no different. The groovy looking dragons-back part in the middle of this one was a 10x 3min hill rep session. It hurt like buggery, but it was very satisfying. I find a discreet hill for these ones so not to freak people out with all my heaving and grimacing.

πŸ“š Started reading Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. Enjoying this lighter read about two characters whose friendship revolves around video games - playing and making of. Early days yet, but I like the writing. Check out the link above for a cool small pixel-art clip that summarises the first couple of chapters.

β˜€οΈπŸ₯Ά We had some cooler mornings this week, which was a nice reprieve, but afternoons quickly got stinking hot, and now it's just hot again. I like this time of year.

πŸ’» After a stint with light-mode, I've gone back to the dark side (except for my RSS reader, which I prefer light as I read it out n about a bit in the sun sometimes). I'm using papercolor-dark mode in my text-editor helix, which I find really funky. I particularly like the light-green wildmenu popup colour:

Screenshot of zellij multiplexer with Helix open on the left, and lazygit, yazi and zola serve running on the right

Screenshot of zellij multiplexer with Helix open on the left, and lazygit, yazi and zola serve running on the right

πŸ’» Speaking of helix, I tried to build in a script or macro to modify my "updated" date properties of the TOML headers of my blog posts for when I actually update them. I couldn't quite get it entirely internal, but I'm using the :sh command to run an external shell script that does it using sed, then I run :rl to reload the open document. It is quick enough for me.

As timely as ever, Lazybear's I ❀ shortcuts #4: Get everything from your editor post popped up, which inspired me to play around with scratch buffers, pickers, and horizontal and vertical split views.

I'm pretty blown away with what a text editor can do. I've never used Vi, Vim or Neovim, but from what I've heard, helix is a great stepping stone into these types of text editors, being slightly more user-friendly. I've seen a lot of posts on emacs too which I'm avoiding like the plague because I reckon it'd be a rabbit-hole I'll never climb out of, and really it's not like I'm doing anything that requires it. Looks fun though...

πŸ’» Tools

zkbro ascii export

πŸ“Ί Watching Ghost in the Shell (1995) - Got halfway through last night. Loving it. Off to watch the rest now while torturing myself on the foam roller.

πŸ•ΈοΈ What grabbed me across the web?