
πŸ—“οΈ Weeknote 2025-W03

2025-01-19 22:41

Some random front-of-mind pieces from my week.

Currently: ⛅️ 🌑️+15Β°C πŸŒ¬οΈβ†7km/h

🩸 Health - Hip didn't feel great early in the week. I think I overdid it with running (5,000m of vert will do that). I knew what to do. Rest. Get the roller out. It's good now so looking forward to the week to come. Building my routine of morning stretches again for the back. Still not 100% after all the bad beds when in Aus, but it's getting there.

🏒 Work - Not the busiest week. Had time to hit the books again. I'm really enjoying the study. I was sent out to a house-call job by myself and was able to sort it all out. Client and boss was very happy. It's been two months since my start day (minus 2 weeks leave) and I feel like I'm stepping into the role nicely.

πŸƒ Ran 28.6km / 425m profile - Small and flat week this week to cater for the sore hip.

🌱 Harvested the garlic finally. It was overdue. I hadn't been down the allotment for a while so wasn't sure what to expect. The yield wasn't terrible but it does look a bit dried out with the dry spell we've had. I'm sure I'll get a bit out of it. I chop and dropped some old broad beans and other grasses and random things that have popped up down there. I haven't got a game plan yet, but will try and sort something out soon.

πŸ—“οΈ I've been nudging my way back into GTD again, keeping it simple by tracking a "Doing" list, rather than a "To-Do" list to keep me concentrated on what I've decided to do in my spare time. I'm deriving that list out of a "Weekly Review" where I simply:

πŸ“Ί I mounted the TV to the wall. Mounting TVs is one of the more common tasks we do at my new job, so it was good to put my new skills to the test. I had to go off-center which was ok because it's in a corner nook of the room and needs brackets that angle out anyway. Going off center meant I was able to use the studs to anchor the big bugger in. I'm happy with the result.

πŸ–ŒοΈ Finished Januartuary, where I drew and blogged something every day for 7 days. It was fun to draw again. I will keep this up. I found a local monthly Community Draw event which I will try to get to in February.

πŸ’» Website - I added all the directories I'm part of to the bottom of the main page. Hopefully I got them all.. I did it off memoryy. While I did it I clicked through a heap of sites and updated my RSS feed as I found a bunch of gems.

I bought a domain, zkbro.com - have some ideas what I'll do with it, and in fact the whole "own-your-web" thing, but for now it's just sitting there.

I'm doing a lot of churning on personal website setups and have some ideass brewing. I've been tinkering in the background.

πŸ’» Tools

πŸ“Ί Watched

🎧 Listening to... -

So, related, music-wise, Paul Kelly's From Little Things, Big Things Grow came up in my shuffle and I can't help but think about all my little "web dives".

A few Trip Hop albums this week - a genre I'm diving a bit deeper into. The guest appearances grabbed my attention when looking some of these up.

Currently reading across the weird web:

▢️ Daily notes

Notes for 2025-01-15

[07:33] @DOING list:

  • renew epirb βœ… 2025-01-15
  • finish CEDIA module one βœ… 2025-01-15
  • pay rates for this quarter βœ… 2025-01-15
  • review STANZ membership βœ… 2025-01-16
  • ensure cancellation of Summit Bag subscription βœ… 2025-01-15
  • transfer squirrel and lending crowd funds βœ… 2025-01-15
  • januartuary βœ… 2025-01-15
  • [/] sell paraglider
  • harvest garlic βœ… 2025-01-18
  • mount tv to wall βœ… 2025-01-19

Notes for 2025-01-17

[18:15] Re-installing Jellyfin, for the first time on Debian.

Followed this installation guide.

On first run there was an error message around ffmpeg. I guess the jellyfin-ffmpeg packages didn't install when installing jellyfin via sudo apt install jellyfin. Installing ffmpeg via sudo apt install ffmpeg fixed the issue.

Now it is not liking my credentials stored in bitwarden, nor has it asked me to set up a new account. I don't think I have run the software before on this distro install.

Followed Forgot Password prompt. Duh. This gave me option to begin the Quick Start Guide.

At some point I also ran the sudo ufw allow 8096 command as I use ufw for my firewall. When I ran sudo ufw status 8096 (v6) was already allowed, so not sure if this did anything.

I used my hostname for the server address: http://zkbro:8096

Reconfigured Finamp on my Android, and all is hunky dory.

Created ~/.config/autostart/jelly-start.desktop to load on startup:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Launch jellyfin on statup.

Notes for 2025-01-18

[09:36] @GROCERIES:

  • fruit and veg βœ… 2025-01-18
  • steak βœ… 2025-01-18
  • slow cooker meat βœ… 2025-01-18
  • ham βœ… 2025-01-18
  • eggs βœ… 2025-01-18
  • coconut milk βœ… 2025-01-18
  • bread βœ… 2025-01-18
  • tuna βœ… 2025-01-18
  • sardines βœ… 2025-01-18
  • rice βœ… 2025-01-18
  • curry paste βœ… 2025-01-18
  • crackers βœ… 2025-01-18
  • chickpeas βœ… 2025-01-18
  • can tomatoes βœ… 2025-01-18
  • soap βœ… 2025-01-18
  • nuts βœ… 2025-01-18
  • dark choc βœ… 2025-01-18

[20:51] DNFd Monkey Man - Taking too long to do anything, with no building of character. No thanks.