
🗓️ Weeknote 2024-W45

2024-11-10 13:35

Some random front-of-mind pieces from my week.

🩸 Health - Been sick since Tuesday, and still battling. Not sure what's going on. These last few months I keep getting hit. I attempted to work Thursday but called it quits halfway through the day. I've just been resting. Best I can muster is groceries or mowing the lawn.

🏢 Work

🏃 Ran zilch - nothing - zero - therefore, no profile this week! I'll leave last week's in the header. I got out for a very small walk.

📝 My dad, at 72 years old, posted his first blog on Pika! I read it in RSS!

🖌️ I drew a Butt-head data visualisation of my sick. It was a weird idea I got in the middle of the night. I wanted to draw and try water colours, and I remember my school days I could draw Beavis & Butthead so why not start with something familiar? I think I need to choose a different outline pen as the water bled it a bit. The size of each loogie splatter is meant to be how bad it was that day, and I tried to depict the mucus colours too. Gross right? I also dug out the Beavis and Butt-head Hock-A-Loogie game which is in line with the loogies I've been hocking all week.

💻 Website - A bit happening here as I find it is easy to muster while sick - not physical or mentally draining.

💻 Tools

📺 Watched

🎧 Listening to...

Daily notes

Notes for 2024-11-05

[03:58] Bloody cough keeping me up. What gives?

[04:17] Sniffs and coughs got worst through the day. Called a meeting short and came home. Testing for Covid.

[04:39] Negative, but feel like crap.

Notes for 2024-11-06

[09:26] Since I got Covid in April, my immune system has been shot. Went home sick again yesterday, and taking the day off today. Before Covid I hadn't been sick for about 4 years. In the last 6 months I've probably been hit about 5 times.

[09:28] Writing this in zellij full-screen mode is a delight.

[20:20] Trying to remember the method of capturing fleeting notes and todos throughout the day in this format. There was a good blog on it. I had it bookmarked somewhere but I've lost it. Searching my feeds I'm coming across some good stuff though. Lazybear's How do I take fleeting notes is a good one. The author over at UnixDigest also has a similar setup. Juhis explains 5 types of notes he uses for work.

Notes for 2024-11-07

[08:57] It's a beautiful day. I'll make sure to get out for a walk at lunch.

[09:02] I'm working, but headache, snotty nose and cough are still here. I'll see if I last.

[13:49] Called it. Afternoons are bad. Rest now.

[21:05] Creating a synced note with Obsidian and Syncthing.

Notes for 2024-11-08

[06:24] Taking day off. It was a mistake to work yesterday. Gone backwards. Not how I wanted to wrap up my final two weeks. Will reshuffle my project closeout goalposts with the boss on Monday.

[08:10] Rain on the roof is a beautiful thing.

[10:06] Added browser "xdg-open %u" to the newsboat config file so I can open links in my browser. Had to do this because I installed newsboat from snap.

[11:20] @TODO: either:

  • Set up lazygit/helix combo so I can move off VS Code.
  • Create a bash-generated template for weeknote posts.
  • Improve buku export-> link stash update script.
  • Finish the javascript module on The Odin Project.
  • Write a blog post.
  • Read.
  • Go to bed.

[17:12] In the end I only had energy for the easy options. Left ears blocked now. It'd be ok if it were both ears, nice and quiet-like, but now I just feel lopsided.

Notes for 2024-11-09

[04:52] I wonder if anyone reads my stuff, or if I would write different if I never published.

[05:35] Hoorah my ear unblocked.

[11:02] In helix to select columns downwards from current cursor location use v to enter select mode then SHIFT-C to start selecting downwards, or if it is a known number of rows n+SHIFT-C where n is number of rows.

[23:11] The Substance was great. Love the Cronenberg influence. It just got better and better.

Notes for 2024-11-10

[05:04] Not sure if I actually slept. Blocked ear is back. Headaches as bad as ever.

[10:16] @TODO

  • Mow lawn
  • Bottle kombucha
  • Groceries
  • Wash spare room sheets
  • Walk
  • Plant greens mix in greenhouse
  • Publish weeknotes
