
Weeknote 2024-W41

2024-10-13 11:40

Some random front-of-mind pieces from my week.

I was back to work this week. I've definitely had a paradigm shift. I won't eleborate too much right now, but there'll be some major changes coming. Work exhausts me in a way that nothing else does right now so I slept like a baby all week.

Dad has been here too. He is sick as so I'm trying to not catch that while looking after him. Sister and niece arrive this afternoon which is exiting so it's going to be a full house. Aunty is in town and friends arriving tomorrow who are all staying close by too. Hectic!

🏃 Ran 32.5km / 724m profile

Another small week, mainly due to energy levels. Sister is on the plane from Aus and wants to do 10k when she gets here, so will update my figures and profile later (update: we did not get for a run).

🥃 Scoby arrived and got my first kombucha batch brewing.

🌱 Carrots germinated.

💻 The Odin Project - I've made no head-way. Work and all. I miss it.

💻 Tools

🎧 Listening to...

Been listening to a bunch of Linux and Web Development podcasts. I'm starting to understand some of the lingo. Here are some I'm enjoying:

In terms of music, got shuffle mode on my local music a lot. David Bowie's Changes has come on a bit, even on the radio and folk at work singing it. It's also resonating with how I feel right now. How apt.

📺 Watched Altered Carbon Season 1 - Watching this in the eves with the old man. We're both enjoying it thoroughly. Cool sci-fi with Blade Runner feels.

📚 Reading The Highly Sensitive Person - I'm a day late to return to the library. I'm a slow reader. This book is a game changer for me, so I've ordered my own copy. Again, thanks to Cole for the recommendation.


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