
🗓️ Weeknote 2024-W40

2024-10-06 19:00

Some random front-of-mind pieces from my week.

Bit of a short one today. About to pick up old man from the airport. I have a lot of family and friends visiting over the next month, and I'm back at work, so I may get a bit quiet.

🏃 Ran 50.7km / 778m profile

A bit light and flat this week. There was a lot of rain, and I wanted an easy week before heading back to work next week.

🚴 Rode 29.85km / 446m

🩸 Health

I can safely say my head is in a better place. I've done a lot of reflection and resetting of a whole lot of imbalances. It is still going to be challenging at work for a while yet, but I feel like I'll be able to handle things a bit better now, rather than a few weeks back where I was spiralling hard.

🌧️ It rained A LOT.

🌱 Did some weeding down at the allotment.

💻 The Odin Project - Finished the Flexbox module. Made a site using flexing, which looks pretty good in a browser, but it doesn't have responsive design for mobiles. Onto javascript next.

🥃 I've ordered a new scoby to get started making kombucha again.

💻 New tools

I've spent a bit of time in the terminal this week. Guess I'm starting to feel a bit more comfortable.

🎧 Listening to...

📺 Watched Kilian Jornet's Into the Unknown - trailer - Kilian runs the mountains for all the right reasons. He picks the most amazing routes. This flick follows his 8 day epic through the Pyrenees range. The ridge scrambling is top notch.
