
Re: Praise yourself

2024-09-20 09:27

Cole quotes Elaine Aron from her book The Highly Sensitive Person:

Praise yourself for taking risks and learning something new rather than for your successes; it will help you cope with failure.

I've been learning to do this over the past couple months. Prior, I was seeing myself as a failure, fraud, incompetent and pathetic (amongst other harmful self-talk).

I made a career shift a year ago that stepped me out of my comfort zone and into the unknown. I could've stayed where I was, but wanted to try something new. Ultimately, the new path was not for me, but rather than beat myself up about it, I am learning to give myself a pat on the back for giving it a go. I have discovered a tonne about myself, which I think will help me navigate my life ahead. I'm still in the thick of it, but I feel like the steps I'm taking are on the right path.

I'm going to pick up this book. Our library has it.