Goals for an indecisive person
2024-12-30 18:34
I'm flakey when sticking with plans or goals, so here are some things I want to crack on with right now, that in a way fight against that flakeyness:
Just get on with it.. whether it be a project, a sudden impulse to go do, see, book or build a thing, I'm just going to do it. Forget perfectionism. Just crack on. Grab SOFA by its horns. Fail fast, learn fast. I won't give procrastination a chance, or regret starting a thing or it being a waste of time. I've wasted too much time in regret and second-guessing already, which leads me to number 2:
Trust my gut and past experiences, and move on. Don't give things a benefit of the doubt. Again, I've wasted too much time (and money) on being kind and giving people, services and situations a benefit of the doubt. If you or your service is shit, I'm gone. Includes couch things too - books and movies. There's too much good stuff out there to sit through crap.
That'll do for now. See, I got a post done. Working already. Bye.