2025-02-28 19:02
When I'm reading in my RSS reader (my main means of consumption), I barely ever read article-type posts*, but I love reading the imperfect ones. Imperfect how? Spelling mistakes, structure, bland topic, values even. Actually the latter really grabs me. Not that my values are perfect (are anyones?) I am intrigued when someone writes something that doesn't quite align with my values. Just subtle things that are said, but not said, between the lines. Not the main topic. This gives me insight into the real person... their way of thinking... their mental models. i used to have a blog where i didn't capitalise anything. was this my way of preparing the reader for imperfection? maybe. i didn't intend it, but maybe subconciously that was what i was doing. i've seen other writers do this and i think reading through their content matches my theory. i wonder if they had intention there?
I also like it when my RSS feed becomes imperfect, and gets flooded with someone's posts, backdated way back. I immediately go to their newest post hoping there's an explanation on what wizardry they've been toying with on their website. I think to myself.. "ooooh a fellow tinkerer, what be thee doing here." Unfortunately most of the time there's no follow-up post so I quickly mark "all-read" and trundle back, not sleeping that night because of the endless possibilities of what triggered their RSS chunder. Here are a couple explanatory ones that came up this last week:
I accidentally went static again - "I don’t know why I did this, but it was fun." I feel ya.
Site update - "The only thing I'm a little worried about is that they might pop up in RSS feeds, though all posting dates refer to summer '24, so I think it's gonna be okay." They did pop up in RSS feeds, but don't worry about it, you explained it all, and I'll sleep because you did!
So yeah, I like the rough edges of the internet. Keep it up :)
*I bookmark a lot though, for future reference.