💡 Januartuary
2025-01-09 21:38
Starting today I'm going to start my own little challenge. It'll be part of a wider set of challenges. They'll differ to the typical blog challenge, in that the focus will be a challenge related to something I'm currently really interested in, and the blogging part will be secondary.
These wont be specifically monthly challenges, but rather for as long or short as I want, starting and stopping when I want. I may call out the period, I may not. Inspired by dozen's welcoming of the month posts, I'll call the challenge something equally as stupid, relating the theme and date somehow.
I'll note the conclusion of the challenge at the start of a new one that took its place.
I'll mark each post that is part of a challenge with the lightbulb emoji 💡 because it's the classic "idea" symbol, and it helps me visually pick them out in my blog list. They also may help my one or two RSS readers to identify what the post is in their already overflowing inbox and skip or read as they see fit depending if this stuff resonates or is just complete junk.
Anyway, without further jibba jabba, I now present to you:
For the next week, every day I am going to draw something that happened in the day and write about it. I've been digging drawing lately so I feel like 7 days will be enough to practice some things without burning myself out and ruining the whole thing. I'm keeping a bunch of pens, waterpencils, watercrayons and brushes on my dining table. I'll doodle after dinner. Beats doing the dishes.
Entry One

This afternoon straight after work I parked the work van around the corner at a park in Arrowtown, got changed into my running gear (I think I mooned a couple of dog walkers... sorry), and headed up Mt Beetham. It was stinking hot so I opted for the mountain bike track just underneath Tobins Track which has a bit more shelter running through the trees (less people too, little locals secret). Once at the top of Tobins Track there's no shelter, so I huffed up the poled south side of Beetham in the blaring sun, then back down the Eastern side. I went down Tobins on the way back.
It was a pointy run, just over 500m climbing in under 8km. I knocked it off in 55 minutes (7:09/km) which I'm happy with, getting a couple of PBs, strava tells me, which was a surprise because I felt pretty comfortable and wasn't pushing. I'll do a flatter run tomorrow.