December Adventure 2024
2024-12-11 05:14
Stumbled across the #DecemberAdventure thanks to Frans who connected with me on Neocities (ahh, love my social web!). The goal is to write a little bit of code every day in December. I'm late to the game, but whatever. If I get more than 1 that's a success.
I am not an experienced coder so if anybody has any pointers for my amateur code or methods please let me know.
[09:51] Fixed the margin issue I was having in my profile images. Added layout="constrained"
in plt.subplots to remove any unnecessary margins, and utilise ax.margins(x=0.05, y=0.1)
to define the margins I actually want.
[19:13] Using pandas DataFrame to build list of activities which will call the activity IDs to do all the things.
[11:00] Adding a choice between selecting latest activity, select from recent, or enter activity ID.
[07:30] Working on pulling in activity stats to activity-post.
[21:40] Found stravalib.unithelper is now stravalib.unit_helper. Pulling in Distance and elevation, after logging in via the stravalib.client:
activity = client.get_activity(13139532616)
print(f"Distance: {round(unit_helper.kilometers(activity.distance),2)}s")
print(f"Elevation: {unit_helper.meters(int(activity.total_elevation_gain))}s")
print(f"Moving Time: {str(timedelta(seconds=activity.moving_time))}")
print(f"Elapsed Time: {str(timedelta(seconds=activity.elapsed_time))}")
Distance: 7.78 kilometers
Elevation: 550 meters
Moving Time: 1:05:49
Elapsed Time: 1:23:40
Revisiting some old python scripts to work on an "activity post". Idea is to select a GPX from an activity and the script will prepare a markdown/html post with the gpx map, elevation profile, activity stats and a space for notes and images. An example raw formatting from this afternoon's run:
Current code for the map:
from gpxplotter import add_segment_to_map, create_folium_map, read_gpx_file
line_options = {"color": "red", "weight": 6, "opacity": 0.5}
the_map = create_folium_map(tiles="opentopomap")
for track in read_gpx_file("gpx/Afternoon_Run.gpx"):
for i, segment in enumerate(track["segments"]):
add_segment_to_map(the_map, segment, line_options=line_options)"gpx_output.html")
Current code for the elevation profile:
from gpxplotter import plot_line, read_gpx_file
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
for track in read_gpx_file("gpx/Afternoon_Run.gpx"):
for i, segment in enumerate(track["segments"]):
# Plot elevation as function of distance:
xvar="Distance / km",
Obviously a bit of work to do, but the project is up and running.
Created a function append_latest_imgs
in my script to automate appending of the last 7 days of images when I first create the draft weeknotes post. The function searches my static/images/ folder based on modified date and adds the last 7 days worth to the weeknote template in the gallery format I'm using. Saves me a heap of time.
Some notes on my use of images and weeknotes:
My weeknotes use 200 px height thumbnails as to not create a huge page of full sized images.
All my images are converted earlier to a max of 600x800 or 800x600 with their corresponding thumbnails at the time of previous posts throughout the week.
If I want to add extra images which haven't been used in an earlier post, I have to make sure I get them ready first in my images folder.
I still have to manually go through and add alt text.
The sorting is based on filename. I use IMGXXXX filenaming structure for photos and SSXXXXX for screenshots, so photos will always be above screenshots, even though I have them timestamped. Not a biggy.
I used ChatGPT to assist, but I still learnt a tonne.
Feel like I'm squeezing a lot into this bash script. Wondering when would be appropriate to move to something like python?
Here's the function:
append_latest_imgs() {
cat <<EOF >> "$target_file"
<p style="text-align:center;">
<div class="img-gallery">
# Find images modified in the last 7 days
find "$img_dir" -type f -mtime -7 | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | sort | while read -r FILE; do
if [[ "$FILE" == *.gif ]]; then
# Get the base name without extension
BASENAME=$(basename "$FILE" .gif)
# Check for a matching .jpg or .png file
IMAGE_FILE=$(find "$img_dir" -type f \( -name "$BASENAME.jpg" -o -name "$BASENAME.png" \))
if [[ -n "$IMAGE_FILE" ]]; then
# Create full path
# Append image to gallery
cat <<EOF >> "$target_file"
<div class="img-gallery__item">
<a href="/images/$IMG"><img src="/images/$GIF" alt=""></a>
if [[ -s "$target_file" ]]; then
echo "HTML gallery written to $target_file."
echo "No matching files found in the specified time range."
echo "</div>" >>$target_file
echo "<br>" >> $target_file
Fixed horizontal srolling within codeblocks by adding overflow-x: auto;
to the <pre>
CSS element. This makes sure code doesn't extend beyond the codeblock and doesn't wrap, but includes a horizontal scroll bar to scroll within the codeblock. See entry 2024-12-11 below on a small screen or browser window.
Updated elevation profile python script. This script creates the elevation profiles of my riding and running activities in the header of my website and profiles page, which I update weekly (they're a week-long lookback so can look quite different depending what I do that week).
Script now creates both light and dark PNGs in a single run, rather than me toggling between different colour schemes by commenting/uncommenting, and running the script a second time. It uses a function now, something I need to use more often.
Added date stamps of the date the script is run to the file names.
General tidy of my junky code.

When I'm turning off the laptop I usually start typing "shutdown" in the search bar until it finds the function I'm looking for, except I always misspell it, realising when I've got to "shit", so rather than fight it, or improve my typing, I've just created a "shit" alias in ~/.bashrc to shutdown from the terminal..
alias shit='systemctl poweroff'
Made a little bash script to combine my custom image scripts I use for my website:
# Prompt for desired image process
echo "Select image process:"
echo "[1] Convert all images in current dir to 600w x 800h (portrait)"
echo "[2] Convert all images in current dir to 800w x 600h (landscape)"
echo "[3] Convert all IMG_XXXX.JPG files in current dir to IMGYYYYMMDDHHMM.jpg"
read -p "Enter your choice (1/2/3): " choice
# Run selected process
case $choice in
echo "Invalid choice. Exiting"
exit 1